What are garbage disposal systems and how do they work?

Your garbage disposal is the sentinel that keeps bigger pieces of food from causing problems for your plumbing. It grinds them up into small pieces that are harmless to your pipes. Garbage disposals with bigger motors grind more vigorously. Smaller horsepower motors grind less forcefully. This is something for the homeowner to keep in mind while running the garbage disposal.


Here are some of the things that you shouldn’t put down your garbage disposal:

  • Steak or chicken bones

  • Stringy or starchy foods (celery, potato skins, pasta, rice)

  • Fruit pits or seeds

  • Grease or melted fat (like the kind from cooking bacon or sausage)

  • Coffee grounds



We love hearing from our customers! Here’s what a few have had to say about our services…

Garbage Disposal Repair

Not all garbage disposal problems signal a replacement of the garbage disposal is required. A clogged, a leaking, or non-working garbage disposal can sometimes be repaired at a fraction of the cost of replacement.


Garbage Disposal Installation

If a garbage disposal has come to the end of its life, we can install a new one with maximum efficiency. We have installed hundreds of garbage disposal units and can offer advise on the best one for your situation. A professional installation will assure peak performance and worry-free operation.